Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Day on the Lake

So it’s the next day and my Rock Star girlfriend Susan text me- “Let’s go on the boat and watch the air show.”
Mia, Me, Susan

Whew Hoo, I’m already traveling!!

Sitting in Lake Michigan on this fantastical yacht stocked with food, fun and Capt’n Ant at the wheel- I cannot be more pleased. (Forget about the fact that you couldn’t catch me dead in that contaminated body of water.) I’m having a Blast!!

The air is cool and the sun is warm, as far as I’m concerned, I’m two waves away from the Italian coast.  And the timing couldn’t be better because again… I was up at 4am…duking it out with my issues and working it out with my God.

I bring an “impressive” bottle of Champagne only to have it completely overshadowed by the schmorgisborg Sue and Mia supply: 6 meats, several cheeses, olives, moscato, 8 fruits, 3 breads, and a million beverages (there literally was no space for mine…lol). Dips, chips, chocolates, dessert.. it was almost gluttoness except for the fact that Sue brought her wonderful and hilarious family, while Mia followed behind her adorable 8 year old son-Chase (the name is appropriate).

I did note eating on real plates (not plastic), while tanning and coasting waves makes cheese taste A WHOLE LOT BETTER… who knew?

First we grabbed gas behind Horseshoe then we raced Capt’n Anthony’s friends to Navy Pier.

**Another observation- we were the only two boats out with African American occupants..huh.. but more importantly, everyone was so nice out on the water. As a matter of fact, it is customary to wave at every passing ship, small or large, no exception.  Apparently, it’s not just me, the water makes everyone happier.**

Chase at the wheel
7 hours later we were stuffed on carbs and two shades darker. Papa Manuel (Susans’ father) and little Chase steered us home and we wobbled to our cars …smiling… and really, really relaxed.  Here’s where I talked myself home: “Ok Amanda, drive the speed limit, pick up the cleaners, smile at the doorman, lock your door, take a shower, pass out.”  I must say, it was a good plan, and I followed it perfectly. I was clean, my muscles felt like jello so passing out was effortless.  Blissfully I slipped into a coma and dreamed wonderful, euphoric dreams…about lollipops…sun tan lotion… and sailing.

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